Xylitol is a low-calorie sweetener.

Xylitol is a low-calorie sweetener.It is a sugar substitute in some chewing gums and candies, and some oral care products such as toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash also contain it.
Xylitol can help prevent tooth decay, making it a tooth-friendly alternative to traditional sweeteners.
It’s also low in calories, so choosing foods that contain this sweetener over sugar may help a person achieve or maintain a moderate weight.
The emerging research we explore below suggests that xylitol may have other health benefits.However, this research is still in its early stages.
This article describes what xylitol is and the possible health effects of choosing xylitol gum.It also compared xylitol to another sweetener: aspartame.
Xylitol is a sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables.It has a strong, very sweet taste unlike other types of sugar.
It is also an ingredient in some oral care products, such as toothpaste and mouthwash, as both a flavor enhancer and a moth repellant.
Xylitol helps prevent the formation of plaque, and it may slow the growth of bacteria associated with tooth decay.
According to a 2020 review, xylitol may be particularly effective against bacterial strains Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sangui.The researchers also found evidence that xylitol may aid in tooth remineralization, support the reversal of damage caused by bacteria, and reduce tooth sensitivity.It may even help reduce the risk of future tooth decay.
Xylitol is an anti-inflammatory agent that kills certain bacteria, including those that form plaque on the gums and teeth.
Corneal cheilitis is a painful inflammatory skin condition that affects the corners of the lips and mouth.A 2021 review outlines evidence that xylitol mouthwash or chewing gum reduces the risk of keratitis in people over 60 years of age.
Xylitol is an ingredient in many products other than chewing gum.A person can also buy it in candy-like granules and other forms.
A 2016 meta-analysis of three clinical trials suggested that xylitol may play a role in preventing ear infections in children.The team found moderate-quality evidence that giving children xylitol in any form reduced their risk of acute otitis media, the most common type of ear infection.In this meta-analysis, xylitol reduced the risk from about 30% to about 22% compared to the control group.
The researchers stress that their data are incomplete and that it is unclear whether xylitol is beneficial in children who are particularly vulnerable to ear infections.
A 2020 review found that this low-calorie sugar can increase satiety, helping people stay fuller longer after eating.Choosing candy that contains xylitol instead of sugar can also help people avoid sugar’s empty calories.Therefore, this transition may be a good option for people looking to manage their weight without drastically changing their diet.
However, no studies have shown that switching to foods that contain xylitol instead of sugar can help you lose weight any more than traditional methods.
A small pilot study in 2021 found that xylitol had very little effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.This suggests that it may be a safe sugar substitute for diabetics.
Xylitol has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can provide additional health benefits.
Research in 2016 suggests that xylitol may help improve calcium absorption, prevent loss of bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
There is little evidence that xylitol poses any health risks, especially compared to other sweeteners.There is no evidence that it is associated with long-term negative effects such as cancer.
Like other sweeteners, xylitol may cause abdominal discomfort, such as nausea and bloating in some people.Still, a 2016 review showed that people generally tolerate xylitol better than other sweeteners, with the exception of one called erythritol.
Notably, xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs.Even small amounts can cause seizures, liver failure, and even death.Never give your dog any food that may contain xylitol, and keep all products containing xylitol out of your dog’s reach.
There is currently no evidence of dangerous interactions between xylitol and any other substances.However, anyone with possible negative health effects of xylitol should avoid further exposure to it and consult a healthcare professional.
It is possible to develop an allergy to any substance.However, there is no evidence that xylitol allergy is common.
People with diabetes should be aware of the effect of all sweeteners on blood sugar.However, a small pilot study in 2021 showed that xylitol had little effect on blood sugar and insulin production.
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that manufacturers can use alone or with xylitol.
Aspartame caused some controversy when early animal studies suggested it might increase the risk of certain types of cancer.Recent research has challenged this.
Both the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have concluded that the current acceptable daily intake (ADI) for aspartame is safe.More specifically, the EFSA recommends that aspartame is safe at less than 40 mg of ADI per kilogram of body weight.Typical daily consumption is well below this level.
Unlike aspartame, no studies have linked xylitol to serious health problems.For this reason, some consumers may prefer xylitol to aspartame.
Xylitol is a low-calorie sweetener derived from certain fruits and vegetables.Manufacturers use it in sweets and oral care products.
Most research on xylitol’s potential health benefits has focused on its ability to improve oral health with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.Other research findings suggest that xylitol may help prevent ear infections, help with weight management, and relieve constipation, among other possible benefits.However, further research is needed.
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Post time: Mar-01-2022